Street view of the Magee's building located at 1201-1207 O Street in Lincoln. The three-story stone building has display windows on the street level and ornate carved decorations between the levels and between the upper windows. The Magee's sign angled from the corner of the building advertises: "Kuppenheiner Good Clothes" and "The Florsheim Shoe." A traffic light and mailbox sit on the corner, and street lights line the sidewalks.
This building still stands today (2010) and is occupied by Pearl Vision and other tenants; a current view may be seen at According to Polk's Lincoln City Directory, 1925, Mrs. Nellie T. Magee served as president of Magee's, Ernest L. Smith as vice president and general manager, and Harlon R. Amos as treasurer. Magee's sold "clothing, furnishings, shoes and women's wear.