Color postcard (14 x 9 cm.) with an exterior view of the hospital at Fort Omaha, Nebraska. It is a red brick building, two stories tall with dormer windows extending out from two sides of the roof. There is a covered front porch and stairs leading up a steep incline from the street level to the front porch. Some trees are visible near the stairway.
In 1862, Omaha was named headquarters for the Military District of Nebraska, and troops were stationed in Omaha. Omaha was made headquarters for the Department of the Platte in April 1866. Land was obtained from Augustus Kountze three miles north of downtown Omaha at North 30th street between Fort and Laurel Avenue. Fort Omaha was originally called Sherman Barracks, then Omaha Barracks, and finally Fort Omaha in 1878. The barracks were completed in 1868, the Department headquarters were built in 1879, and guardhouse, magazine and officer's quarters in the 1880s. Source: Historic Places: The National Register for Nebraska. Lincoln: NEBRASKAland Magazine, c1989, p. 42-44.