This black and white photograph was taken at the intersection of 16th and Farnam Streets, looking north. There are automobiles, streetcars, and horses pulling carriages in the middle of the street. People are walking both on the sidewalks and in the street. Several large stone buildings can be seen. The nearest one has large columns supporting triangular pediments. An American flag flies from a taller building in the background.
Buildings visible in the photograph include Haines Drug Company (1606 Farnam Street), Masonic Temple (northwest corner of 16th and Capitol Streets), Boston Store (northwest corner of 16th and Douglas Streets), Brandeis Building (southwest corner of 16th and Douglas Streets), United States National Bank (northwest corner of 16th and Farnam Streets), Post Office (southwest corner of 16th and Dodge Streets), and Hayden Brothers Clothing Store (104-112 S. 16th Street). "Omaha Expo" is written on the back of photograph.