This black and white studio photograph shows Chief Hollow Horn Bear (Mato He Oklogeca) wearing a white shirt and a bone vest. There is a scarf around his neck and ribbons tied in his hair. There is a blanket draped round him, and he has one feather in his hair. The photograph was taken at the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota, where Hollow Horn Bear lived in the Cut Meat District.
Hollow Horn Bear's portrait is on an old 14 cent U.S. postage stamp and on the old $5 silver certificate. He was born in Sheridan County, Nebraska, and took part in a number of the battles with troops and railroaders. At the Rosebud Agency, he negotiated with General Crook and served as police chief. His brothers include Goes to War and Iron Shell. The Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation is located nine miles north of Valentine, Nebraska, in South Dakota.