Three teenage girls in dark colored dresses and white aprons are in a nurse's office of a school in this 9-1/4" x 7-1/4" black and white photograph. One of the teens is weighing a smaller girl on a scale, another is sitting at a table writing down the information, and the third teenager is watching. There is a three-panel screen in the back of the room, and a bulletin board hangs on the wall.
Willard School was located at 1245 S. Folsom Street in Lincoln, Nebraska, from 1915 to 1969. In 1915 the name of West A Street School was changed to Willard to honor Frances E. Willard (1839-1898). At the time, the school was a small frame building, but in 1918, a larger brick building was built. The Willard building survives today as Willard Community Center.