South side of 2nd Street looking east from Rose Street, Sidney, Nebraska.
Street view of businesses housed in one and two-story wooden buildings in this 6" x 3-3/4" black and white photograph. Signs on the business include: Bank; Peter Reames, Harness & Saddlery; Books and Stationery; Groceries, Provisions & Fruit; H. Bartling Central Market; Meat Market; and Blacksmith. In front of Peter Reames, Harness & Saddlery, a cut-out sign in the shape of a saddle hangs from a cross-beam on a post. Several men and a boy stand on the wooden sidewalks. The dirt road has been built up in a hump to be level with the sidewalk at the corner. A gas streetlight stands on the corner in front of the bank's door which has a closed sign in the window.