South side of Front Street looking west, Sidney, Nebraska
Two wooden buildings sit on the south side of the street in this 6" x 4" black and white photograph. Men standing in front of the building on the corner, which has a second-story balcony along the front and part of the side. Painted on the side and top of the building are the words: "Oberfelder & Co. Clothiers"; "Oberfelder Clothing House"; "Gents ... furnishings, boots, goods, hats, shoes, caps, guns, revolvers, ammunition." The second two-story building is identified with a painted sign as: "Metropolitan Hotel." Several men stand in front of the store and three children sit on the wooden sidewalk. A horse and buggy stand on the dirt side street. Another building/wooden tower is hidden behind trees to the right. A sign in front of several crates reads, "No driving on this sidewalk.