A 5"x7" nitrate negative, photograph of the Wolfe Building and the Northwest corner of the downtown square, David City, Nebraska. The flat-roofed, two-story corner Wolfe building of light-colored brick with round columns supporting the projecting roof above wide cement steps in the front of the building with rows of windows on all floors, bordered by sidewalk on two sides with two entrance doors on the side with cement steps and iron banisters and an iron railing around steps leading to the basement and a large painted sign extending over the sidewalk on the south advertising "Electric Shoe Repair". In back of the Wolfe building is the David City Public Library's red brick, square, gable-roofed building with projecting entry. A brick, flat-roofed two-story business building with closed awning is on the opposite side of the Wolfe building and a portion of the red brick, one-story Boston Studio building with "Boston Studio" signs painted on the front and back. The row of buildings is surrounded by sidewalks with a streetlight on the corner, a cement planter in front, with an automobile parked diagonally in the middle of the brick street.