A 5"x7" acetate negative, copy of a portrait photograph of the exterior of the Post Office, Foley, Nebraska. A wood-sided, one-story building with gable roof, brick chimney, low front porch with overhang roof, center front door with screen, a double-hung window on each side, a painted "Post Office" sign on the porch roof along with a sign advertising "Bluebird Cigars", another sign advertising "Bluebird Cigars" centered just below the peak of the main roof, a flagpole on top of the porch roof flying a U. S. flag, two children playing on the front porch surrounded by dirt streets, a small wood-sided building with one door connected to the post office with a board walk, a wooden barrel next to the post office on one side, a high-wheeled buggy on the other. A man wearing pants, shirt and cap with bill is sitting on a carved tree stump in front. Another man wearing pants, suspenders and dark shirt is leaning against a taller, tree stump nearby, reading a letter. A man wearing bib overalls, jacket and felt hat is standing with his hands in his pockets, a dog nearby.
Thorpe Opera House Foundation/Boston Studio Project
Local Accession Number
Original format: 5"x7" acetate negative from the Boston Studio Project collection.
Historical Notes
The Foley Post Office was in existence from 1898-1906. It was located 3 miles west and 2 miles south of David City, in Union Township on the Union Pacific railroad line. The town consisted of a grain elevator, depot, stock yard and store, along with a couple homes. It was named for J. A. Foley, an employee of the Union Pacific railroad and superintendent of the local branch.