Black and white photograph of several store buildings in full sun. The 2 two-story buildings in the center are identified by signs on the buildings proper and lettering on the window shades as Wolfe & Bros. These brick buildings are adorned with ornate pediments and the northernmost Wolfe building displays the 3 links of the Odd Fellows lodge and the square and compass of the Masonic order over two second floor windows. The frame buildings to the north are a millinery shop and the Kryger abstract office. Two men and a boy are sitting in front of Wolfe's watching the photographer. The one-story building to the right advertises "Lands and Loans" on a drawn shade.
Original format: Glass plate negative, 5x7 inches.
Historical Note
Wolfe's was Neligh's leading mercantile establishment until the 1930s. The second floor was removed from the north building in the '30's and when the Auditorium building was built in 1907 the Odd Fellows and Masonic Lodges moved to the upper floor of that building. The two smaller buildings show here have nice cast iron fronts which have survived and those buildings, along with the brick Wolfe buildings are still (2006) in use.