Main Building, Nebraska Institution for Feeble-minded Youth, Beatrice
This is a 6-1/4" x 5" black and white plate of a four-story brick building with a steeple, fire escape, and a tall stair case. Trees and shrubs are planted on either side of the road leading to the building.
Excerpted from: "Fifteenth Biennial Report of the Superintendent of the Nebraska Institution for Feeble-minded Youth" In First Biennial Report of the Board of Commissioners of State Institutions to the Governor and Legislature of the State of Nebraska for the Biennium Ending November 30, 1914 (Lincoln: Nebraska Board of Commissioners of State Institutions, 1914), plate between pp. 100-101
Historical Notes
This institution was established by the legislature in 1885 on property donated close to Beatrice, Nebraska. As of December 1, 1912, 429 people were enrolled, on November 30, 1914, 495 were enrolled; between those dates, 161 people were admitted, 52 were discharged, and 43 died. Children and adults up to the age of 50 had been admitted for developmental disabilities, but many also suffered from epilepsy and tuberculosis. As of November 30, 1914, 47 staff were employed. Today this institution exists as the Beatrice State Developmental Center. Further statistics and information can be found in the report.